Thursday, November 4, 2010

Simply Amazing

I am consistently amazed at how SIMPLY AMAZING God is.

I really don't even know where to begin to speak concerning the great things that have happened in my life. 

Recently there have been some drastic changes made in my life- "God" changes. I was a director at a very prominent church here in the city of Indianapolis. Not only did I direct a group, I sang and participated in other groups as well. I have a strong passion for music and I come from a family of singers and musicians. I loved directing, I loved the group that God blessed me with at the church; however, after a certain point I started noticing myself moving in another direction. Not necessarily physically but spiritually and I immediately started praying. I asked God to show me what's up? Where on earth am I going? Why am I feeling like this? He specifically told me, "There is more for you."

More for me? So after a few days to myself I started to wake up to some things. I returned to the realization that I want more for me. How funny is it that God just told me the week before, there is more for me! I had stopped dreaming and didn't know it! So, I started dreaming again. Dreaming on those things that I grew up as a child dreaming about, background singing. Singing back up for this person and that person and being highly successful in doing that! All to God's glory. I asked God to show me what I needed to do to reach those goals and make these dreams come true. For weeks I prayed. I didn't talk to anyone about this aside from my mom and my mentor. You know, some people you simply can NOT share things with. You tell them you are thinking about moving on and they'll do everything in their power to keep you where you are just because they are "stuck" and don't want you to leave them, generally speaking of course. So keeping my dialogue with others to a minimum I heard God tell me, "Let it go"....

Let it go? I'm not going to lie, I was confused for a minute. LOL But he showed me exactly what He was talking about. I had to let the group go. I had to cease participation in one of the ministries I grew up wishing I could sing in! As soon as I did that....................................................................... DOORS OPENED!!! I resigned on a Friday, that Monday and into that next week my phone rang non-stop! People came up to me asking me to sing for them. One of the opportunities happened to be a live recording that just so happens to be taking place next Friday! Just when I ALMOST started to doubt, God showed up quick and proved to me that the this was a "God" move. I have NEVER had so much peace!!! OMG! Some associations of course were abruptly ended; however, we know that often comes with the territory. Not everyone can go with you to that next level.

I guess one way to describe my feelings right now would be....... Simply Amazing.... God is just simply amazing to me.

I can't wait to share with you all this awesome journey that's in the months to come.

If you've ever doubted God, I highly recommend you to recant that doubt ;)


  1. Jimmy, I am a witness! God is moving in supernatural ways in my life at this very moment all because...I let it go!

    Keep the faith young soldier. I known you most of your life and you're right...God IS NOT through with you yet and there are BIG things ahead!

    Your "Mentor"

  2. Beth S. says...
    I have learned that God is not logical. He is just as you stated, Simply Amazing. (that is one of His "informal" Names to me!) Keep walking into your season!
